Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 1 of Summer session

I wake up early today as it is very exciting: the first day of Summer session. I suppose I should be used to this by now, but I am not. I still get excited to meet my students. I want them to all log in at 8 am CDT (7 am CST, where I am) and so shower, eat breakfast, make a second pot of coffee and sit there patiently on Blackboard waiting for students to log in an introduce themselves.
And listen to the birds. Then turn on CNN and watch the Queen's Jubilee. Etc.
OK, online teaching is not quite as exciting as it is made out to be.
Eventually students do arrive and that is cool. I know some already. We have a nice day. I get bored in the afternoon as no new students log in, and so re-work content that is probably already just fine. Getting really, really bored, I do something foolish: I imagine I can write, edit, shoot and publish video all on my own. Hilarious!
Really, I can't, but do anyway. Here it is, my introduction to "Tropical Ecology":


catdance62 said...

the visuals were nice, but dude! YOu could maybe act a little more excited! I guess I don't know your teaching style, but if it were me I would make it more like seem more like one of those travel shows (Samantha Brown comes to mind) but educational! Not dissin', just sayin'.

Unknown said...

Teaching style? I'd say "death by powerpoint" is my style. I dim the lecture hall lights and drone in a monotone until jaguars (yawn) are boring and everyone is asleep.
Maybe there is a more effective method?

catdance62 said...

Oh lawd....that reminds me of summer session Fine Arts 101...nothing but a slide show for 2 hours in a darkened room. I caught some ZZZ's in that class!

Unknown said...

Could be worse. I have a friend who teaches a great class on the transition of Blues into Rock music. With powerpoint. Almost funny.