Monday, April 27, 2009

Tuition waiver!

Northeastern State University recognizes the value of international experiences for our students. NSU also realizes that the economy is tough right now and that many students who would like to travel abroad are having difficulty budgeting for it. To assist such students, NSU is offering to waive in-state Summer tuition for three credit hours for students in BIOL 3413 and/or ZOOL 4403 who go to Belize on the optional field trip this Summer. In exchange, students who go on the field trip will be required to "blog" about their learning experiences and make the blog accessible to NSU for promotional purposes.
This tutition waiver is worth about $321! That is about half of your travel costs.
As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

News story on airfares to Belize

This press release covers the recent and precipitous drop in arifares to Belize for this Summer:

Stayed tuned here for an upcoming offer from NSU that will save you even more!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Airfares go down!

The world-wide recession is hurting many people around the world--including those in the travel industry. We can take advantage of that, and help stimulate the world's economy.
As a case in point, airfares to Belize have gone way down in recent weeks. When I started planning for this Summer's field season, airfares were nearly $800. I bought my tickets when they dipped below $700. I bought too soon. Tickets are now a little over $500. 

Example for a flight leaving Tulsa on June 20 and returning June 29: 

TUL 6:20a  
BZE 11:26a  
BZE 10:26a
TUL 6:07p
(5h 06m)1
(5h 41m)1

If you are ready to purchase, I think this is a good time. Please check with me in advance for tips and tricks (e.g., Continental includes taxes paid to both the U.S. and Belize, while American only includes U.S. taxes, leaving you to pay ~$40 upon departure from Belize).